Frequently Asked Questions

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Popular Questions

  • Q. How Does Solar Pool Heating Work?

    A. Installed panels collect heat from the sun’s rays and transfer this energy to the swimming pool water. After it’s warmed through the system bypass component, the heated water passes through the regular pump and moves into the pool itself. Solar panel technology allows the collection of energy reserves in each panel, so this system continues to function after sunset.

  • Q. How Warm Will This System Make My Pool?

    A. Solar heating systems can increase a swimming pool’s temperature up to 40%. This increase can lead to enjoyable temperatures for swimming even in cold weather. Many customers report that they are able to enjoy their swimming pools any time they like during the autumn and winter months.

  • Q. How Many Panels Does My Pool Need?

    A. Homeowners can estimate the number of panels their new system will need by measuring their pools’ dimensions. Once they have determined the total square feet or meters a pool measures, dividing that number in half will give the dimensions of the required solar panels. Most solar panels come in standard measurements between two and five meters in length. Before quoting an installation price, a heating system technician will also measure these dimensions to determine how many solar panels a customer’s pool needs.

  • Q. Will This System Raise My Energy Bill?

    A. Solar pool heating does not increase any electricity costs. This type of system also does not require the purchase of fuel such as propane or other types of natural gas. Since solar pool heating systems have no extra moving parts or additional components to install, maintenance costs are typically quite low as well.

  • Q.Does This Heating System Come With Guarantees?

    A. Installed panels have a five-year guarantee on the plastic weld and installations are guaranteed for one year. Many manufacturers will also have warranties on solar panels and will replace any defective ones at no charge during the contracted time frame. The highest quality solar panels have been fabricated to resist cracking or manifold separation, and many of them can last for up to 15 years in some cases. Not all solar panels are manufactured with the same processes, and the best ones have been welded to prevent this kind of separation. Durable panels also have UV carbon coating to prevent fading or loss of function over time.

Interested customers with other solar pool heating FAQ’s are encouraged to contact the Us by phone or email. We employ knowledgeable technicians who are able to answer any detailed questions not addressed on this page. Informed buyers are those who see the best returns on their initial investment. They are able to best take advantage of solar technology for a home swimming pool heating system.

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